Fox Valley Marathon Races

2024 FVM Leadership Team

September 22nd, 2024
Have a password? Enter it here:

What's your email address?

Your information

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Birthdate *

A valid date as MM/DD/YYYY (for example: 11/30/2015)
First Name *
Last Name *
Cell Phone # *
Gender Specific Shirt/Jacket Size *
Consecutive FV26 Years running or Captain (including this year) *
I am 18 years of age or older *
I have read and accept the Fox Valley Marathon Races Volunteer Waiver, Guidelines and Code of Conduct *


Who is this registration for?


Your participation as a volunteer is based on your acknowledgment of and agreement to the following conditions: Read this form carefully before signing.

If under 18, your parent or guardian must read and sign this waiver.

Volunteer work for a marathon is a potentially hazardous activity. A volunteer should not participate unless medically able to participate. Each volunteer assumes all risks associated with volunteering for this event, including but not limited to the effects of weather, traffic, course conditions and course surfaces, falls, and contact with other volunteers, runners and spectators.

I am aware that medical support for this event will be provided by volunteer personnel who may be called upon to provide assistance, including first aid, to me as a volunteer during or after the event. I authorize any such volunteer to assist me or to perform such assistance as in the opinion of such person may be necessary or appropriate.

I, for myself and any person entitled to act on my behalf, do hereby release The Fox Valley Marathon, ShebBix Inc, The City Of St. Charles, The City Of Geneva, The City Of Batavia, The City Of North Aurora, The City Of Aurora, The State Of Illinois, The Kane County Government Center, The Fox Valley Park District, The Kane County Park District, The Batavia Park District, The St. Charles Park District, The Geneva Park District, USATF, all municipal agencies, marathon event staff, directors, officers, volunteers, sponsors, and other persons or entities associated with the event and each of their respective subsidiaries, successors, heirs, contractors, subcontractors, directors, officers, agents, attorneys, employees, volunteers, representatives and affiliates (the "Releasees"), from all claims of liability of any kind and character whatsoever arising from my participation as a volunteer in any of the Fox Valley Marathon Races events or any of its allied or accompanying events.

I consent to the use of my image in photos, video, and audio recording, or film of my participation in any event associated with the Fox Valley Marathon Races, by the Fox Valley Marathon Races or any designee thereof.

I will not consume or be under the influence of alcohol on any school or college property, on any park district or forest preserve property, or in any role associated with minors, or while driving during any event or task associated with the Fox Valley Marathon Races. I will not consume or be under the influence of illegal drugs during any event or task associated with the Fox Valley Marathon Races. I have not been convicted of a Felony.

If you have any questions, contact our Volunteer Coordinator at
Thank you very much for your support of the Fox Valley Marathon Races.